<-Sw. Prem Vasant  (Rohit)

sannyas-date: 07/13/03

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Rohit Sahib (*1978)  at his parents home

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"rohit" <rohitsaheb@.....
Re: [neosannyas] hello
28/07/02 14:37:23 

Rohit - please always follow your heart. This is your greatest treasure and the only truth. What others feel or what they would like you to feel or what is in their best interest for you to feel: TOTALLY IRRELEVANT! 


Thanks sweetie, for your suggestion. I will follow my heart. When i got nisu's mail, i felt angry in the beginning & then sad to think that i may not be aware of my pretensions. 

P.S. Now i am getting the support of women. I thanks nisu. It's because of his criticism, i have received your love. 

lots of love rohit

Rohit from New Delhi, born 1978

/---Ma Nishta

Yes, and again the same , like a wave. From a valley to a mountain, from a mountain to a valley and up again - praise, criticism, criticism, praise.....they are intertwined, interdependent, needed, until.... 
death : but not the end of game.


enlightenment : end of game


I think what i said was enough then why this 'Yes' I got it to show that you know but you know nothing except spiritual bullshit