<-Ma Kavya, Nirava

From: "kavya" <n_kavya@y...> 
Date: Fri Jun 28, 2002 2:40 pm
Subject: Celtic Dances

Well she's been tripping lightly all over the globe! And do they dance with
her? No, they refuse, they insult, call names, shout and rant!

What's up, no tolerance? No desire to share information, put forward their
own part, converse, discuss, seek a conclusion?

The main desirable benefit of meditation is compassion. Not much of that
evident when the doings of certain leading sannyasins are questioned!

What a pity!

Trip on, little Moon Dance, keep skipping in the silver light - even that is
too bright for some, but it won't harm them to get used to it!

Ma Kavya in Denmark