Little life in Big Town Munich

Since Friday, the 13th, my body feels sick: convulsive cough rattles rough from my hurting  lungs, headache, sometimes my stomach turns around. 

Bavarian natives like Ali call people like me, who come from Northern parts of our country: ''pig prussians'',.  Nevertheless my heart feels at home in Bavaria.

Now the Old Bavarian Lion falls a bit apart. Time to look back.

In Mimamai's hand and shelter

In soft and calm easy week ends my body tries to recover. How many hours on the roads, how many little voyages last year? All these enterprises summ up to 25.000 Kilometers in Nobydick plus 15.000 Kilometers in my Red little Gold Fish, the VW-Golf, one time around the earth in one year only!

Slowly my body falls back. My fantasy glues words with pictures, happy to travel around the world with the ones, who enjoy to share.

Everybody sits alone on his desktop. Isn't it joy, to watch new windows pop up with messages from a part of the world, not so easy to visit?

Even when friends are gone or go again and again like Veet Tom, who answered my questions from Friday so simple: he left. Stories continue, life goes on.

In the early Sunday evening right now thunder rolls over the dark clouded sky. And the growing green grass of the garden in front of my windows waits willing for rain drops to fall.

Back a few hours into this beautiful Sunday: Mima and I visit the West Park. People celebrate there the Buddhist Full Moon Feast in the middle of Munich.

We explore the Munich West Park first with a Japanese Garden.

There Mother Duck cares for her 11 children.


Mima sits in meditative mood - like usually. The Japanese Buddha statue blesses us..


With grace and gratitude the slim Japanese Buddha statue welcomes us.


One step from the Japanese Buddha Temple

we step over to the Nepal Pagode.


The Nepal Goddess on her knees carries smiling the column of the roof.


From there a few step ahead we admre the beauty of a Chinese Temple.


Hungry from our Asian Journey in our home town we enjoy a typical 
Munich Restaurant with the name ''Bourgeois Home''.


Before we return home in peace, we look at some old cars for sale.

