Hommage to friends and family

Dear Friends,

Eric and Era complain about Michael’s picture on the yahoo-welcome site. Like many people I had quarrels with Michael too. Nevertheless I love him as ambassador of an Inner Intensity he had far ahead of others and me. Therefore I will remember him still forever and honour his compassionate work for us with his picture on the side for a while longer.

Yes, CMD is true, that Michael did not care much for his health. But that was not his point anymore. Michael died for another, more important vision, a vision beyond words. Michael has presented in this mail sharings and in our meetings alive a ‘living masterchip’. That means, Michael had mastered his Inner Energy much better than others. Michael had the quality to listen to his INNER VOICE much better than others.

Others like Socrates, Jesus, Ramana or Bhagwan had this – for us ordinary people – strange behaviour too: these guys didn’t care much anymore for health or anything else but there vision. And this vision is still alive for some of us, although their bodies are gone.

Thomas in Hamburg had shared my respect for Michael. Therefore I feel sad, that some of you can not even accept his picture on our welcome site anymore. How could ever foolish people accept the precious words of the wise ones, except the wise ones lie? But fools can buy books of people like OZAY or RASA. Fools can book Satsang hours by Isaac Shapiro and thousands teachers more. And our friend Sarlo even builds one of his flowering e-groups on ‘gururating’ and an other one on ‘living osho’.

Sorry friends, forgive me. Michael is not living anymore. Only his picture will remind you and others on Michael, who finds their way through the web jungle to our group site. Yes, sensitive people will suffer from my provocation, to honour a dead guy like Michael more like writers alive here with me. So maybe my week end pictures can ameliorate your frustration into a bit better feeling?

Plastic Heros scare or please

plastic minds.

Sign 'Nigger'

The traffic is a symbol for life: everybody has to reach somewhere. One truck driver wants to reach to far to quick. Half asleep he hits the tail end of the traffic jam and kills himself and seven other people. Another effect of this cause: the high way is closed for 12 hours. Nothing moves anymore.

My brother looks like me and wants too to escape from most people and responsibilities. He escapes with his sail yacht. I love to be for myself in Mima’s Motor Home.

My friend Harald since 30 years still writes songs and enjoys himself and others with concerts.

Sign in German's Red Neck Region 'Sour Country' means: Sub-Nigger
