KCRWxxxXXX/and NOW - 4 sumthin *completely* different/ALFRED eeeK! "New Man" (WATT? me worry???")

 Message 13491 of 13491 

Fri Jul 23, 2004  11:45 am

NOT to worry, nacho!



"hullo & *welcome*!
to our HOLE "comedy team!!!!"

ps (do you think i *laugh* tooo much??? can ye see me back molars, mebbbeee?)

comedy team????

Doctor Harry??
grrr (or was it 'Hank'?)


'lE sHow" B rockin' sockin', ya know!!!

and - SO glad I subscribed 5X (at own expense)

IF you but tell one itty-bitty Homer or otherwise

(puh-pretty please?)


ps (2 xxxtra room with closing doors - hot tub 104 degrees in the shade...etc.)

pps (ANY pro-AK takers?)

oh, you must forgive me, stallion -
when i ain't on my bastion
when in trubble and in *pain*


C - see - see?

"I told you so!"

gwanna banana rosanna-danna!

brother of Ravi


this man is quite sensible (to me anyway)!


Harry, remember Craig H. - the Blue Heron Gallery, and ME??? 'member 'Bugsy' - 'Time's End' or 'Land's End' - Saturdays noon to 2pm, and/or KRBD even???

Bill Gates and his cruiseship - SO WELCOME!!!!!!! ? it is *actaully now 'local legend' - here in tiajuana... (Penny m. bought-bout about $2000.00 in trinkets and gadgets and (real( ART from Craig H... oh THe-GANKYOU!!!!!!! lolol meanin ty v muchas "allloute j'ette alloutte'''"

in REAL deeds!

(phthhht!, - the Daughter Of KarZ - is in U and in mE...)

twa francais en englais < > (better or lesser than)

that song i can hear...
"Sum/n0by!!!! please!!! just TAKE me OFF this idjit discussion internet 'no moderation now!' - inter-Babylonial frickin' ZoRoAsTrIaN -----bottle in front of me!!!" ?

(parlais vous francais???)

<---only speaks Ancient Incan 101

Harry, remember Craig H. - the Blue Heron Gallery, and ME???

so's ===

anyway Hartry,
...as I WAS sayin', BEFORE we were SO rudely

*yada yada yada*



*intermission break - runnin out 4 more popcorn and some Wild Turkey...* <run run run>

suggested song to hummm..

@*Oh, I'm TRYIN to kNot to Forget to Teach the
Birdies, Not To SIng...*oh WAIT!!!!by MadonnA)

oh WAIT!!!
NOT madonna and her new nom de clure at ALL

was "chubby"!!!

sssshhh! (aka - The jackswan 5...)

pp - buy by by!!!


just *wet my pants laughing at sad sings...and now CHAINED to chair!!!!!)

No immediate cleansing spas with personal trainers at the *BOGwanwash* refugee luxury concentraCCCionputts*

* HOWDY MoonDaY!!!*

*intermission break - runnin out 4 more popcorn and some Wild Turkey...* <run run run>


* HOWDY MoonDaY!!!*

Hare Krishna * krishna Hare* Hare Hare Krishna hare hare los osho et fresh BAGELS - am i *ever* nOW

Hare Krishna * krishna Hare* Hare Hare Krishna hare hare los osho et fresh BAGELS - am i *ever* nOW

Hare Krishna * krishna Hare* Hare Hare Krishna hare hare los osho et fresh BAGELS - am i *ever* nOW

"... Same As I Ever Was (same as i ever was, same as u ever was, same ol' same' ol' Hare Krishna! Krishna Hare! Hare Hare Harry!!!!!!!!! hullo?
central to Hank! ;-) (seXXXy *thang*!)

and ANYWAY - (gosh-golly sugar whipped "whirled peas" for Marco - HAIL CAESAR!!!!! und also HAILL HARRY!!!!!)

psssssst! (as they say in tiajuana)


<duck and cover>

(and *cringe* lolololol)

y'all THINK mebbe i might stay UP all night again,
just tryin to tune in Santa Monica on this radio???

AND - all my personal wealth and infernal invetments
PLUS retirement plans, health insurance - AND

why -
WHAT-EVER are YOU talkin' ABOUT????

ps (write, I mean WRITE back soon, ok - unkie harry???
ketchikan so *cold* w/o you!)

pps (don't forget to wire me all your $$$ (( *i* didn't JUST say that!!! Honest!!! i *think* 'twas either Hans or the gene pool - frickin round with *my* WA (((yet again))) - but it materialized weird in Santa Monica, anyway...)


<quick melodrama>

'The FishPirate's Daughter' screenplay by: http://www. ow_he conveniently FURgitsyet_AGAIN.insanee psychobabble.tv.arg


(...roll 'em roll 'em roll 'em! Keep them cowboys goin' SHY - Anne!!! )

(...roll 'em roll 'em roll 'em! Keep them cowboys goin' SHY - Anne!!! )

(...roll 'em roll 'em roll 'em! Keep them cowboys goin' SHY - Anne!!! )

(hummmmer alongers even!!!)

(...roll 'em roll 'em roll 'em! Keep them cowboys goin' SHY - Anne!!! )

(...roll 'em roll 'em roll 'em! Keep them cowboys goin' SHY - Anne!!! )

(...roll 'em roll 'em roll 'em! Keep them cowboys goin' SHY - Anne!!! )

and NOW - a commercial brake from 'Viagrrrra 24 hour Boraxo oscillating super-duper FLOORWAXXX!!!"

(also a good 'soup stock', breath-freshener, hair-emulsion sanctifier-removal LEGGS system, all - nite *panties* (whooooo hooo! geaorge C. - 7 deadly words/FCC.com - ok?????)


and NOW - a commercial brake from 'Viagrrrra 24 hour Boraxo oscillating super-duper FLOORWAXXX!!!"

(also a good 'soup stock', breath-freshener, hair-emulsion sanctifier-removal LEGGS system, all - nite *panties* (whooooo hooo! geaorge C. - 7 deadly words/FCC.com - ok?????)


back In 2 shake's some (POOR and unfortunate ! lol) monkey's TAIL end!!!


and NOW - a commercial brake from 'Viagrrrra 24 hour Boraxo oscillating super-duper FLOORWAXXX!!!"

anyway - brb! (is THAT a 'promise or a threat'???)


still WITH hyar???

dis YO show, member species??


<long pause for whatever>

k <back> (jack-flash)

"OH - whose the LiTrE of da club, who's made fer U an mE??? M-I-T-hay-Y-knot-M-oh-YOU-sssst!-EEE...(X pie)...

brb again


i have a VERY imp. mess. 4 U. so please have your inner advisors to "go hike AuNt RhOaDiE cuz the ol' Grey Grammhan Goose' laid over in witichita???

lol whati mean is - brb for the ACTUAL clue i gots to let U know...

interlude: (easy listening)

<quick l/wink>
brother of Ravi


this man is quite sensible (to me anyway)!

<quiet interlude>

(this IS the library!!! - woolwine)


hound dog,,,1 -2 -


on YEAH!!!

just wann-ed to say that i have used ALL thus non-rewarding psychobabble, like - up for 48 hours total vigilance on about 8 lists, very *strange-ass* oooooo-wooooo forum POWERS thereof - and turned 'em all on to The Comedy Store in LA, YOUR (le) Show, the watusi and Wasabi Soup recipes - EVERYTHING!!!! and Ray Jeno, my pal Robin Williams, the 'misty and paulish shores', YOUR (le) Show, YOUR (le) Show, YOUR (le) Show AND ak]lso SUM total grief and heartache!!! And - NOW - I'm about to be totally supercalifragilisticexpealidociously *DISS - aPPeAred* by them, or sumthin'!!! like- NOW - uncle Hal!!!

please please just disguise and look and listen and MAKE me LAUGH somehow??? cos U know, as well as *i* know that - once we STOP laughing - all is lost...

brb? And just for being such a dram-queen and stand-up improv shit-kickin' space *NICE* gal (with no record and LEGAL insuranse, that *i* AM!!!) and - NO pay - just more racial slurs and insults and



just wann-ed to say that i have used ALL thus non-rewarding psychobabble, like - up for 48 hours total vigilance on about 8 lists, very *strange-ass* oooooo-wooooo forum POWERS

well, i ...

NO - correction -


THE 1814 1000 DEGREE fairenHeiST/ (FREE MONEY NOW!!) Sieg Heil!!! Caesar Salad Mining Total DIsaster Anthem:


In 1814 ah took a little trip
Along wit Col. jackson and the MIGHTY Mississip...
we took a lil $$$ and we took a little *beans*
and we sailed and sailed the gasses up the
mighty Mississip

*quik sip*

dum dum dum


Oooooohh.... dey RAn thru the bushes an dey ran in the
and there was not quite a MANY as there was awhile
Ran SO fast - that de HOUNDS couldna *catch them*
oh - Up The mIsSiPpI yup de Gulp a Mexico...

(HwUp - HwEp! 'The Good and the Bad and the Ugly'
cartoon theme...)

HwUp - HwEp
HwUp - HwEp
HwUp - HwEp
HwUp - HwEp
HwUp - HwEp...ad infintum...

hey hahaha Guises and Gowlsers???

somebody else take the stage???


THE 1814 1000 DEGREE fairenHeiST/ (FREE MONEY NOW!!) Sieg Heil!!! Caesar Salad Mining Total DIsaster Anthem:

love ya's even o.ch. specially!

dat idjit 'won't listen to reason' god-fearin' vc aka as lady *n0by CREEP!!!*

ps (oh, thankyou thankyou thanyou in ADVANCE!!! Take it Ha?)



<total collapse>

BUT - - yet STILL able to run the 220 at record speed and can't stop laughing/crying

true professional *thespian*


ps (creatures ALL - creature ALL!)



