eeeaw eeeaw

Message #38314

Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:20 pm    

So so enlightening is all our writings as noby says its ultimately only him that counts and we be as dags off a sheep's clothing !Let me say this to that deep observation and philosophic hoo hah ! If i could be as important as a dag off noby's furry ass ,would that not be better than to be totally ignored as Robinson Crueso must have felt before the cannibals arrived ? In some strange way he began to feel important because of them as i'm sure Noby does with all of us there !

yET HE IS FEARFUL AND FOR GOOD REASON,which of us will take the first bite ? Never have i felt more alive than when contemplating eating human flesh ! Is Noby trying to say something when he says he is bored ? Does he want human flesh as i do ? Lets hope not eh bilbo. anyhow merry Christmas to you all and please no human sacrifices....

merry Christmas to you all and please no human sacrifices....
